Fashion & Style We are #TEYXO

Theater, Style, A Touch of Retro and Street…

There are days when we may feel exceptional, superior, and mighty. And then there are days when we feel quite the opposite – inferior, feeble, and powerless. However, we must remember that we are all merely human, with our fair share of strengths and weaknesses. We each experience moments of greatness, beauty, and perhaps even brilliance, as well as moments of pure foolishness.

Think back to the countless times you stumbled and fell on your nose as a child while learning to walk. It wasn’t a monumental issue then, was it? Similarly, it’s perfectly alright to stumble and fail occasionally, or to require multiple attempts to learn something new, even if it’s just the art of becoming a better person.

We each experience moments of greatness, beauty, and perhaps even brilliance, as well as moments of pure foolishness.

I just can’t get out of my mind that superb moment when Jennifer Lawrence fell at the Oscars on the red carpet. That must be the worst nightmare of everyone on the planet! Except perhaps being naked in front of a huge audience. And then she did it again at the next event! She tripped on another red carpet.

So why am I saying it is superb? Because she reminded us that she is just a human being like you and I – and despite all that glamour, glitter and perfection, people can trip, fall, get up like nothing has happened and continue to do what they do best. She knew how to get up and start again and people loved her for that!

…despite all that glamour, glitter and perfection, people can trip, fall, get up like nothing has happened and continue to do what they do best.

Getting up is the most difficult part, but the fear of falling can paralyze you and stop you from doing the things that you love best. I have been there. I am sure you’ve been there! We’ve all been there! But, in the end, the difference between winning and losing is just… continuing to play, going that extra mile and doing the things that scare you – because those are really worth it!

When I first started this business with my mom, we were real novices. Of course, the Internet is full of information, but that info doesn’t always apply. You have to try, to fail, to try again, fail again and keep trying until you succeed and until you find that pattern that works for you, that unique plan that applies to your business, to your customers and in the end, to you. You are the engine and you set the tone, the pace and the rhythm.

…something modern, something that empowers women of today. Clothes in which they feel great, comfortable, yet elegant and stylish.

I had wanted something different, something at the edge of elegance and urban, something with a touch of retro, as I am a sucker for the jazz age, The Roaring Twenties and all that wonderful and stylish era. I had wanted something modern, something that empowers women of today. Clothes in which they feel great, comfortable, yet elegant and stylish.

Women have done a lot in the last decades, but they still have to fight for their rights and the stereotypes built for centuries. How can you beat that in just a couple of decades? Fashion has such a big role in this and by creating the dresses and clothes that offer you power and freedom, I believe that you can grab a bit of that power and freedom for your own life.

…there are roller coaster rides and rainbows of colors to explore!

I wanted clothes that will stand out from the crowd and brighten up the streets! The world is such a colorful place – using only shades of grey in clothing seems such a pity when there are roller coaster rides and rainbows of colors to explore!

I have added theater in all of this, because, apart from the fact that I have majored in Drama, I feel that we sometimes need to play more, to smile more and to put more soul in what we do. So, this is how TEYXO was born! A brand that stands for all these things, that endeavors to create a powerful tool for women worldwide, where they can express themselves in playful, colorful, stylish and daring clothing!


A brand that […] endeavors to create a powerful tool for women worldwide, where they can express themselves in playful, colorful, stylish and daring clothing!

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