We Win Foundation
Inspirational Stories

Zenay R Arnold: We Win

A true inspiration, a fighter and a winner, Zenay was living the American dream! She had a full time position with a very prestigious law firm in New York, having a demanding and fulfilled life when she found out that she has the autoimmune disease Lupus. 

The Cruel Mystery as it is known, Lupus attacks the healthy tissue, not knowing the difference between this and the foreign invaders such as bacteria. The body starts fighting itself… 

5 million people around the world have Lupus, but very few organizations offer information or any other kind of help. Very often people who have this autoimmune disease stand alone. Not anymore…

He told me “I Win and quitting was not an option.” I felt his love, strength and comfort and that was the day I decided to live. Hence, my mantra was birthed…We Win!

Zenay, co-founder of We Win Foundation

Zenay ignored at first the symptoms, thinking that it is just the demanding lifestyle, until one day when she couldn’t move a muscle. She ended up in hospital where the doctor told her the breaking news. Not only that she had Lupus, but 6 other autoimmune diseases. Her entire world crumbled at the hearing of such news. The doctor said that she could live 5 years, 7 if she is lucky…

You can’t tell anyone how much he or she has to live! Zenay was much stronger than that. She knew that there was no other way but to conquer every single day and to WIN! She knew that she had a greater role to fulfill! 

14 years have passed since that day and Zenay is stronger than ever! She is happily married and just gave birth to a sweet angel named Zayne. She is the manager of her talented and successful sister Tichina Arnold and together they have created the We Win Foundation. They help everyone who is dealing with Lupus and other autoimmune diseases from the individuals to their families and friends. They bring hope and unite millions of people who used to be alone on this journey. 

Zenay is an example of courage, power and determination. She is a modern superhero! She is an amazing inspiration and proof that we can overcome anything! I am so honored to know her and welcome her as a special guest in the TEYXO lifestyle hub.

You are an incredible powerful woman, a heroine and a “walking miracle” as your doctors have said so many times. How and when did you unlock or find this amazing force and inner power?

Z: Thank you for the compliment. I am honored. Yes! I am a walking miracle. This amazing force and inner power came the day I gave up. I will never forget that day because it was the day I wanted to die. I could not take it anymore because the pain and incapacitation overtook my mind and body but something came over me. Oh yes! It was God. He told me “I Win and quitting was not an option.” I felt his love, strength and comfort and that was the day I decided to live. Hence, my mantra was birthed…We Win!

Zenay R Arnold
Zenay R Arnold

I feel more encouraged and empowered then I have in the past because we women are being more vocal with our pain, weaknesses and struggles.

Zenay, co-founder of We Win Foundation

What was your biggest challenge since you have found out about the autoimmune diseases?

Z: The pain and deterioration that my body goes through. I struggle but I want to live. I must fight regardless of my challenges. My good days outweigh my bad ones. 

Please tell me more about the We Win Foundation!

Z: The We Win Foundation was birthed after the doctors told me I would not live past 7 years due to the complications of the various autoimmune diseases I suffer with sooooo the day I made 7 years and 1 day, I told my sister Tichina that I have to do something to help people like myself and the caregivers that help us. God had a purpose for me. Hence, The We Win Foundation was birthed. Our Foundation helps sufferers and their caregivers to live NOW. It is now my ministry. 

Tichina and Zenay Arnold, founders of We Win Foundation

I know that you have also created a special kit. How does “Z’s Survival Kit” work?

Z: The Z Survival Kit was created to help me function while I worked and even now. It’s quite simple but a powerful kit because it kept and still keeps me going, making life a little more bearable despite the challenges.

It consists of compression gloves, medicinal squeeze ball, a face mask, hand and foot warmers, a pill box and hot water bottle. I take my kit everywhere with me. 

Zenay and Tichina Arnold with people involved in the We Win Foundation

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Z: To heal people from all sicknesses.

How would you define happiness and what makes you happy now?

Z: I would define happiness every day I wake up and able to pick up and hold my supernatural miracle baby, my son Zayne and kiss my husband Omar as he leaves for work. 

What inspires you?

Z: Anything that’s positive, uplifting and edifying.

If you could ask an artist, scientist, president, queen or king who has lived in a different era, any question, what would that be and who would you choose?

Z: Joan of Arc….You fought a great fight of faith for God and his people and in the end, you were called a witch and burnt at the stake. Would you do it all over again? 

How do you feel about women’s empowerment today?

Z: I feel more encouraged and empowered then I have in the past because we women are being more vocal with our pain, weaknesses and struggles. We are more human! In our weaknesses, God makes us stronger. That is the same strength that is empowering women more and more every day.

Tichina Arnold, Zenay Arnold and Gaynelle Dawson throw their L’s up at the We Win Foundation’s “Changing the Road” event
Panelists Aurana, Tichina Arnold, Zenay Arnold and Gaynelle Dawson throw their L’s up at the We Win Foundation’s “Changing the Road” event

What advice and message would you like to give to anyone who struggles with Lupus and any other related autoimmune diseases?

Z: Don’t give up! You can live despite being issued a death sentence. Please fight while in the fight and at the end…WE WIN!!!

Yes, WE WIN! Thank you so much for the powerful words and the wonderful inspiration! You are definitely a great fighter and a role model for many people! 

Learn more about Zenay and the We Win Foundation in the links below. Get in touch if you suffer from any autoimmune disease or if you know someone who does!

Visit the Official Website (click the photo)
We Win Foundation on FB

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