Empowerment Inspirational Stories

Winners Overcoming The Battle

This is not only a story of surviving one of the most terrible diseases nowadays. This is a story of thriving with grace and style. The story of an inspiring young lady and a dear friend of mine who has been through purgatory and hell, fighting cancer and coming out of this fight not only a survivor, but a Queen, conquering every inch of her body, being more beautiful and empowered than ever. ‘My physician contacted me just now stating – as of today – I’m Cancer free!’.

I honestly feel like a new person. I’m starting all over again! 


This message from Yvette made my heart sing. We decided right away to write another article to inspire more people all over the world that YES! You CAN! Call it a living miracle if you want, but the strength and faith of winning back what was taken from you is real and possible. Yvette is the living proof and a true inspiration for millions of people all over the world going through this battle.

You can win! It’s possible! You do not have to survive only, but to thrive!

I feel like I can leap over walls now!


Read Yvette’s first interview here: The Story of a Breast Cancer Survivor

A couple of years ago, you still didn’t know… You were and are a fighter, a survivor, but you didn’t have any certainty. Today, you have! What is your happiness today? 

Yvette: Fulfillment and gratitude!

What do you wish to spend more time doing?

Yvette: The most important thing right now is to spend time with loved ones and I love to give back and offer more, so I am also volunteering at a homeless shelter.

How did the support of your husband and friends contribute to your wellbeing and fight? 

Yvette: My husband Paul was and is my rock, friend and steady confidant! He helped me tremendously throughout every moment of this fight, not only to survive, but to thrive! He never gave up on me even when I felt like this is too much of a burden to bear.

My amazing friends encouraged me to keep fighting in spite of what things looked like on the outside. This too shall pass. Trials come to make you strong. Beauty is not what the woman possesses on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside.

You received a lot of love from your close ones. How important is this amazing energy in a fight like this? 

Yvette: I feel like I can leap over walls now! I can do everything!

How did you overcome your fears of treatments?

Yvette: ‘Have faith, trust your judgment. Stay true to yourself!’ These powerful thoughts and beliefs helped me every time I was scared.

You are a beautiful survivor! How are you living your life differently and why?  

Yvette: I feel like a different person. Everything is brand new. Life has definitely given me a second chance. I’ve learned to appreciate the simple things, like:
Birds chirping
Flowers blooming
Hectic traffic in the city
Drinking coffee with my husband

What are 3 things that you would tell a person who has recently been diagnosed? 

Yvette: I would tell that person the following:
1. Life is 5% of what happens to you, and 95% of how you respond to it.
2. This is just a pit stop, not your last stop.
3. Live life as an exclamation, not an explanation.

What can you do today that you were not capable of doing 5 years ago? 

Yvette: I can travel the world, a couple of years ago I was going through chemotherapy and radiation, surgery and different medications to keep me going. The simple daily activities were hard to handle, I couldn’t even dream of jumping in a plane and seeing the world, so this I believe is one of greatest freedoms that I’ve won.

What kept you fighting, moving on, and thriving?

Yvette: Daily prayers and affirmations 🙂

What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?

Yvette: Prejudice!

What inspired and helped you get through this fight?

Yvette: Lots of love coming from my husband, family, friends and all the fighters who inspired me to never give up and thrive!

What gives your life meaning?

Yvette: Respecting yourself and others, also self control.

What do you love most about yourself now?

Yvette: My big personality, of course! 😀

If you could ask one person, alive or dead, only one question, who would you ask and what would you ask?

Yvette: I would ask my husband: ‘After everything you’ve been through with the loss of family members how do you remain happy on a day to day basis?’ He would reply: ‘It’s the inner strength, Yvette.’

Thank you, my dear Yvette, for your wonderful strength and amazing inspiration! You are a symbol of joy, beauty and power and thank you for sharing your story! Lots of love!

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1 Comment

  1. Sheila says:

    Wonderful follow up story, I commend the writer/ creator on the beautiful content of this story!
    It not only well written, I’m also a fan of the heroine, she is my sister! A triumph of grace through prayer, love, and support!

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